Source water planning

This data dashboard tracks planning efforts that protect public drinking water sources for Great Lakes basin residents. The default extent shows the percentage of county populations served by community water systems that are covered by a source water protection plan. Zoom in to view the protection plan status for individual water systems.
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This table compares source water protection policies, including options and stipulations for plan implementation and funding. Legend Jurisdiction implements this indicator Jurisdiction does not implement this indicator Jurisdiction partially implements this indicator
Program ComponentIL
Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plans
Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plans
Funding is available to implement plans
Periodic updates to plans are required

For FY 2022, the State Revolving Fund program utilized set-aside funding for source water protection programs
Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required

Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wells

Water supplies meeting treatment requirements

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What do the violation categories include?

  • Health-Based Violations: Violations of maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs), which specify the highest concentrations of contaminants or disinfectants, respectively, allowed in drinking water; or of treatment technique (TT) rules, which specify required processes intended to reduce the amounts of contaminants in drinking water.
  • Acute Health-Based Violations: Health-based violations that have the potential to produce immediate illness. EPA specifically defines these as maximum contaminant level (MCL) violations where the regulated contaminant is either total coliform or nitrate.
  • Monitoring and Reporting (MR) Violations: Failure to conduct regular monitoring of drinking water quality, as required by SDWA, or to submit monitoring results in a timely fashion to the state environmental agency or EPA.
  • Public Notice (PN) Violations: Violations of the SDWA public notification requirements to immediately alert consumers if there is a serious problem with their drinking water that may pose a risk to public health.
  • Other Violations: Violations of other requirements of SDWA, such as issuing annual consumer confidence reports, or conducting periodic sanitary surveys.

Because the focus of this dashboard is on issues with water treatment, it does not include violations of the Lead and Copper Rule related to post-treatment problems in the distribution system.

Harmful Algal Blooms

Reducing lead from distribution systems

Lead Inventory Status by Jurisdiction

The U.S. federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) require all Community Water Systems (CWSs) to prepare an inventory of their service line materials by October 16, 2024. This map shows which jurisdictions have completed these inventories. Some jurisdictions require that CWSs differentiate between public (the portion of the service line from the water main to the private property boundary) and private (the portion of the service line under private property) service lines. Under the current LCRR, a lead service line replacement is considered complete only if both public and private service lines have been replaced.

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Maritime shipping cargo

Coastal wetland acreage

Diverse & Resilient Wetlands: Acreage of Projects

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Percent of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands protected, by state or province.  By Stephanie Hickel, The Nature Conservancy

Phosphorus throughout the year

Annual Phosphorus Targets

Phosphorus in spring

Spring Phosphorus Targets

Strategies to reduce phosphorus

Sources of Total Phosphorus

In the above graphic, source types may be turned off and onto more closely examine sources within the stacked bar graph.

Domestic Action Plans in place for Lake Erie under the GLWQA

Harmonization of species regulations

Recreational boating AIS prevention programs

Monitoring for priority species and sites

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