Source water planning

Source Water Policy – Indiana


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Program ComponentStatus
Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plansIndiana mandates a wellhead protection program for each well or wellfield providing groundwater to a Community Public Water System.
Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plansBy identifying potential sources of contamination and using voluntary management of source water areas, communities and water systems may prevent contamination of source water in Indiana.
Funding is available to implement plans
Dedicated funding is not available for plan implementation.

Periodic updates to plans are required
Every five years after Phase II approval date, groundwater Community Water Systems are required to submit an update to their Wellhead Protection Plan in the state of Indiana.
For FY 2024, the State Revolving Fund program utilized set-aside funding for source water protection programsSource Water plan implementation is not listed as a set-aside under the State Revolving Fund.
Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required Private well water is unregulated by both the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and EPA. Well owners are responsible for their own safety when drinking from a private water well.
Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wellsThe state of Indiana does not provide funding to mitigate issues with compromised private wells.


Jurisdiction implements this program component
Jurisdiction does not implement this program component
Jurisdiction partially implements this program component