Source water planning

Source Water Policy – New York


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Program ComponentStatus
Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plansNew York’s Drinking Water Source Protection Program is voluntary.
Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plansThe New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Health (DOH) have an initiative to assist municipalities with assessing and supporting drinking water source protection programs.
Funding is available to implement plans
Land Acquisition for Source Water Protection funding is available through the Water Quality Improvement Project grant program.
Periodic updates to plans are required
In the state of New York, Drinking Water Source Protection Program Plans are recommended to have maintenance at a minimum of five every years.
For FY 2024, the State Revolving Fund program utilized set-aside funding for source water protection programsWellhead protections and Source Water Petition Programs are covered under New York State Revolving Fund set-asides.
Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required While public water supplies are regularly tested for a variety of contaminants, inspected, and maintained, these same activities are left to the homeowner in the case of an individual water supply in New York state.
Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wellsThe state of New York does not provide funding to mitigate issues with compromised private wells.


Jurisdiction implements this program component
Jurisdiction does not implement this program component
Jurisdiction partially implements this program component