Source water planning

Source Water Policy – Minnesota


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Program ComponentStatus
Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plansWellhead protection planning programs are required for the state of Minnesota. Surface water source protection is voluntary.
Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plansIn Minnesota, community water systems are required to have groundwater wellhead protection plans and recommended to have surface water intake plans.
Funding is available to implement plans
Funding is available through a Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Grant.
Periodic updates to plans are required
According to Minnesota Rules 4720.5570, a public water supplier must review and amend a wellhead protection plan every ten years from the date of the last approval of a plan by the department.
For FY 2024, the State Revolving Fund program utilized set-aside funding for source water protection programsMinnesota makes use of SRF set-asides for source water protection. The state uses set-aside funding for staffing and contracts with Minnesota Rural Water Association, who are partners in SWP work in Minnesota.
Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required Testing is required for wells to be put into service in Minnesota.
Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wellsThe Fix Up Program offers loans for home water treatment and well construction, repair, and sealing.


Jurisdiction implements this program component
Jurisdiction does not implement this program component
Jurisdiction partially implements this program component