Source Water Planning



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Program Component



Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plans

The Clean Water Act ensures communities protect their drinking water supplies through prevention – by developing collaborative, watershed-based source protection plans that are locally driven and based on science in the province of Ontario.

Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plans

Source Protection Plans are performed at the Source Protection Region (SPR) and Source Protection Area (SPA) level, based on watershed boundaries.

Funding is available to implement plans

There is no source of funding for source water protection plan implementation provided by the province of Ontario.

Periodic updates to plans are required

In Ontario, “municipalities, source protection authorities, local health boards, the Province and others, are implementing source protection plan policies, and are reporting on progress on a yearly basis.”

For FY 2022, the State Revolving Fund program allowed set-aside funding for source water protection programs





Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required

Private well water testing is provided free of charge by Public Health Ontario for bacterial indicator organisms.

Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wells

The province of Ontario does not provide funding to mitigate issues with compromised private wells.


Jurisdiction implements this program component

Jurisdiction does not implement this program component

Jurisdiction partially implements this program component