Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs

Reporting and Evaluation: Michigan


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Program component has been implemented in this jurisdiction

Program component has not yet been implemented in this jurisdiction

Program Component



Evaluation of program effectiveness/efficiency

While at least one behavioral change evaluation study is currently being funded and planned, this doesn’t necessarily happen on a regular basis.

Adaptive management decision-making for program activities

Michigan has a boating workgroup and an invasive species education and outreach workgroup comprised of state agency staff that meet regularly to consider outreach materials and messaging updates/changes, audiences, etc.

Evaluation of pathway risk to support programs

Regulatory analysis occurs regularly to ensure that laws are clear in intent, easily followed, and satisfactorily protective

REPORTING Watercraft inspection/decontamination staff are required to report levels of compliance to the relevant state/provincial agency

Inspections and boat washing are not mandatory or legally required in Michigan, so compliance is not reported formally. However, some boat washing programs do collect compliance data but it is not complete or consistent