Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs
Partnerships: Michigan
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Program component has been implemented in this jurisdiction
Program component has not yet been implemented in this jurisdiction
Program Component
Coordination with non-agency partners on inspection and decontamination
CISMAs, lake associations, universities, the US Forest Service, county conservation districts, and other local groups participate in decontamination outreach and implementation for boaters
Coordination with non-agency partners on outreach
CISMAs, lake associations, universities, the US Forest Service, county conservation districts, and other local groups partner to deliver consistent AIS outreach messaging to boaters and anglers
Leadership of partner activities
The state provides leadership for the most part. However, there are some independent “programs”.
Dedicated funding for partner activities
Michigan’s Invasive Species Grant Program and a new “mini-grant” program for implementation of Clean Boats, Clean Waters programming are available