Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs
Outreach: Wisconsin
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Program component has been implemented in this jurisdiction
Program component has not yet been implemented in this jurisdiction
Program Component
Implementation of a state/province-wide outreach campaign
Clean Boats Clean Waters is the branded watercraft inspection program. Wisconsin uses Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! as its consistent AIS outreach brand.
Consistency of messaging with best management practices
Inspect, Remove, Drain, Never Move
Ongoing, “passive” outreach resources for boaters
Wisconsin has invested in consistent SAH! branded signage and effort to ensure all public boat landings have this signage. Additional cleaning station signage has also been developed and is starting to be placed across the state to provide boaters additional tools to clean their watercraft.
Temporary, targeted outreach to boaters
Targeted outreach is also conducted during the annual regional AIS Landing Blitz focused on preventing the spread of AIS through the recreational boating pathway. WI DNR staff, WI Sea Grant staff, and numerous local partners speak with boaters at boat ramps during the event, educating them about AIS prevention efforts and how to effectively reduce spread through cleaning, draining, and drying boats. The Drain Campaign is also a targeted event that educateds anglers on the importance of draining water and transporting their catch on ice. This is usually done in conjunction with the free fishing weekend in WI.
Outreach to associated audiences and industries
Limited outreach is happening to related audiences and industries. There is a small project that is piloting outreach to lake and river service providers. Small, local programs also exist that try to reach boaters through rental companies and property rentals. These have not been evaluated or scaled up.