Lake Erie Algae (ErieStat)
Ohio’s Phosphorus Control Strategies
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Binational Strategy
Ohio Implementation Details
Reduce phosphorus loading from agricultural sources
The H2Ohio program has expanded conservation programs for farmers into additional counties to cover the western Lake Erie basin. Over 2,600 farmers are participating in the program, enrolling 1.6 million acres in conservation practices, which is over 40% of the watershed.
Reduce phosphorus loadings from municipal sources
H2Ohio funds have been sent to local health districts to support the repair or replacement of 480 failing home sewage treatment systems.
Support watershed-based planning and restoration efforts
Through Ohio DNR, H2Ohio is driving investment in dozens of wetland restoration and enhancement projects, while colleagues at the Ohio EPA and ODA advance watershed planning efforts in Lake Erie watersheds, including the Maumee Watershed Nutrient TMDL project
Coordinate science, research, and monitoring
The Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (HABRI), overseen by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and administered by the Ohio State University/ Sea Grant, supports research benefitting Ohio communities
Enhance communication and outreach
Ohio agency staff will continue to work with the Great Lakes Commission to annually update this content to share progress being made in reducing phosphorus loss in Ohio’s Lake Erie watersheds through implementation of Ohio’s Domestic Action Plan, with continued support from the H2Ohio program