Reducing lead from distribution systems



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Jurisdiction implements this program component

Jurisdiction does not implement this program component

 Jurisdiction partially implements this program component

Program Component



Action level exceedances must be reported to consumers

Québec does not require public notification in the event of an action level exceedance of lead in drinking water.

Testing results must be reported to local public health agencies

Québec does not require lead in drinking water tests to be reported to public health agencies.

Schools and childcare facilities are required to test for lead*

Québec schools and childcare facilities are required to test drinking water for lead.

Action level is at or below 12 ppb*^

Action level is at or below 5 ppb for schools and childcare facilities*^

Québec’s maximum allowable concentration for lead in drinking water of 5 ppb applies to schools and childcare facilities.

Service line material inventory is required

Québec does not require a drinking water distribution system material inventory.

Partial lead service line replacement is prohibited*

Québec does not prohibit partial lead service line reporting or replacement.