Recreational Boating AIS Prevention Programs

Inspection/Decontamination: Wisconsin


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Program Component



Implementation of inspections

Wisconsin’s boat inspection program is based on hiring inspectors who educate boaters and assist with boat cleaning. However, inspectors in WI do not have authority to stop boats and require inspections/decontaminations

Implementation of self-inspection at launch points

Self-inspections are encouraged but space is not specifically designated for this activity

Availability of decontamination infrastructure

In place, however, there are limited opportunities for hot water, high pressure decontamination in Wisconsin. The DNR has and operates 3 units on a limited basis. Some local groups (fewer than 5) also operate decontamination units within their service areas.

LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS A watercraft inspection and decontamination program (or elements thereof) is authorized

As part of the statewide invasive species management plan, the DNR is authorized to create a watercraft inspection program, under which it may conduct inspections of boats, boating equipment, and boat trailers entering and leaving navigable waters. However, decontamination is not mandatory.

PROHIBIT POSSESSION AND TRANSPORT The possession, movement, or transport of aquatic invasive species is prohibited

No person may transport, possess, transfer, or introduce a prohibited invasive species

AUTHORITY TO INSPECT CONVEYANCES The relevant state/provincial agency has authority to stop, detain, and/or inspect boats and/or establish inspection stations

As part of the statewide invasive species management plan, the DNR is authorized to create a watercraft inspection program, under which it may conduct inspections of boats, boating equipment, and boat trailers entering and leaving navigable waters. however, this authority is limited to probable cause of violation, such as aquatic plants hanging from the trailer or water sloshing from an undrained livewell

DECONTAMINATION Designated personnel of the relevant state/provincial agency have authority to decontaminate a boat based on the presence or suspected presence of AIS, as determined during an inspection

Under the DNR program, inspector do not have the authority to require decontamination. However, local governments can, and have, implent local ordinaces to require decontamination.

RESPONSIBILITIES There is a legal mandate for boaters to decontaminate their boats, regardless of whether or not inspection stations or decontaminations services are available

There is no general obligation to comply in the absence of an order from a law enforcement officer. However, some local ordinances do require boaters to use a decontamination station when one is present at a local boat ramp, regardless of presence of inspectors and/or law enforcement officers

CERTIFICATION The relevant state/provincial agency has legal authority to establish an inspection/decontamination certification program for the purpose of reciprocity with other jurisdictions for inspection/decontamination responsibilities

WI DNR does not have the authority to certify external inspections programs

DRYING TIME Mandatory drying periods can be imposed via administrative orders or impoundment of a boat

To stop the spread of invasive species and viruses from one navigable waterway to another navigable waterway, DNR regulations require that all equipment or portions of equipment used for constructing, operating, or maintaining certain projects in navigable waters, including vehicles and boats, be decontaminated for invasive species and viruses before and after use or prior to use within another navigable waterway. However, no such mandate applies to boats and equipment used for recreational purposes

PROHIBIT PLACEMENT Launching a boat into waters of the state without first complying with all relevant AIS prevention regulations is prohibited

No person may place or operate a vehicle, seaplane, watercraft, or other object of any kind in a navigable water if it has any aquatic plants or aquatic animals attached to the exterior of the vehicle, seaplane, watercraft, or other object. This paragraph does not require a person to remove aquatic plants or aquatic animals from a vehicle, seaplane, watercraft, or other object during the period of time when the vehicle, seaplane, watercraft, or other object is being operated in the same navigable body of water in which the aquatic plants or aquatic animals became attached. No person may take off with a seaplane, or transport or operate a vehicle, watercraft, or other object of any kind on a highway with aquatic plants or aquatic animals attached to the exterior of the seaplane, vehicle, watercraft, or other object.