Lake Erie Algae (ErieStat)
Indiana’s Phosphorus Control Strategies
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Binational Strategy
Indiana Implementation Details
Reduce phosphorus loading from agricultural sources
In Indiana, unregulated livestock operations with fewer acres to land apply manure have had difficulty storing manure in order to apply it at agronomic rates. To address this issue, two manure storage lagoons with over 8 million gallons of available storage capacity (combined) were constructed in Adams County for shared use. In Allen County, conservation partners are also providing technical assistance to small and urban farms through a Contribution Agreement with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Indiana’s efforts to reduce nutrient loads from the agriculture sector are shared through a helpful Story Map.
Reduce phosphorus loadings from municipal sources
In Adams County, sewers have been extended to over 600 homes that had been discharging into the St. Marys River and to 96 homes discharging to the Maumee. The latest phase of construction should be complete by May of 2022. In the city of Ft. Wayne, work on the deep tunnel project is two years ahead of schedule. When complete, combined sewer overflows to the Maumee and St. Marys Rivers will be reduced from approximately 72 per year to less than 4.
Support watershed-based planning and restoration efforts
All subwatersheds in Indiana’s portion of the Lake Erie basin, except the Auglaize, have approved watershed management plans (WMP) that are being implemented, and in some cases, updated. A WMP for the Auglaize is underway and will be completed by May 2022.
Coordinate science, research, and monitoring
Monitoring conducted in Antwerp, Ohio is the best location for understanding nutrient loads crossing the border from Indiana into Ohio. The St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers cross into Indiana from Ohio and once in Indiana, these rivers join to form the Maumee River, which then returns to Ohio. Monitoring is helping to inform cross-border nutrient dynamics. Indiana has also worked with partners to complete channel stability and flood risks assessments for the St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers.
Enhance communication and outreach
Indiana agency staff will continue to work with the Great Lakes Commission to annually update this content to share progress being made as Indiana continues to implement its Domestic Action Plan