Source water planning

Source Water Policy – Wisconsin


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Program ComponentStatus
Community water systems are required to implement source water protection plansWellhead protection planning programs are voluntary for the state of Wisconsin.
Community water systems are encouraged to implement source water protection plansSource water protection is not required, but the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources offers support and guidance to develop a local program.
Funding is available to implement plans
Funding is not dedicated specifically for source water plan implementation.
Periodic updates to plans are required
Periodic source water plan updates are not required or specified for the state of Wisconsin.
For FY 2024, the State Revolving Fund program utilized set-aside funding for source water protection programsWellhead and Source Water Protection are specifically listed as opportunities for grants and assistance within the State Revolving Funds document.
Monitoring sources of drinking water accessed through private wells is required Private well owners are responsible for testing and maintaining their well in Wisconsin.
Funding is available to mitigate compromised sources of drinking water accessed through private wellsThe well compensation grant program provides funding to eligible landowners or renters to replace, reconstruct, or treat contaminated private water supplies that serve a residence or provide water to livestock.


Jurisdiction implements this program component
Jurisdiction does not implement this program component
Jurisdiction partially implements this program component